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The 3d Scan service compares the error

The 3d Scan service compares the error
Scan3D, 3D rendering, IGS file generation; export sample comparison table; Scan time: <2h Inspection-Report-table-evaluation-false-digit-cost-detail-aluminum-by-method-Scan3D-scan-sample-3D...

3D Plastic Scanning Service

3D Plastic Scanning Service
3D scan of surface details strange poison, mold casting; Time: 16h; 3D scanner & IGS output ensure mold release for hangers; Time: 8h; Scan3D export helper file IGS; Time: 1h

3d Scan Car Cover

3d Scan Car Cover
Scan3D & 3D product design ensures dampening technology and welding fittings; Scan time: 8-10h / SP Scan 3D detail sheet type Load Cells in low light conditions 3D tire scan of EinScan...

3D Design Service Piping

3D Design Service Piping
3D pipeline design template for taking the dimensions on pipe hull; Time: 2h

Copy service 3D propeller

Copy service 3D propeller
Copy 3D fan blades & molds; Scan time: 1h

3D Scanning and Mold Design

3D Scanning and Mold Design
3D Scanning and Mold Design; Scan time: 6-8 hours

3D Sample Scan Service and plastic box assembly design in the medical sector

3D Sample Scan Service and plastic box assembly design in the medical sector
3D Sample Scanning and Plastic Box Assembly Design in Medical, Mold Design;

Scan3D service block engine

Scan3D service block engine
Scan3D block engine and reverse 3D file output IGS, STEP; Scan time: 6-8 hours

Scan 3D CAM service

Scan 3D CAM service
Scans 3D samples of CAM-type exported IGS files; 3D printing; Scan time: 1h / 4SP

Services reverse engineered rear wheel steering system

Services reverse engineered rear wheel steering system
Scan3D rear wheel rattling pattern, reverse design, export 3D file STEP, IGS, to design check; Time: 32h

3D printing technology in all areas of life

3D printing technology in all areas of life
Applying 3D printing technology in all areas of our lives, In3D applications in the aerospace, architecture-painting, automotive-engine, commercial, consumer goods, dentistry, film,...

Application in3d Zortrax in Vietnam

Application in3d Zortrax in Vietnam
Zortrax 3D printers make quick, beautiful and accurate all mechanical details, assemblies ...

The application of the Z3 inrange printer in Poland

The application of the Z3 inrange printer in Poland
Zortrax 3D printers create fast, beautiful and accurate details on the motorcycle

3D bed scanning service

3D bed scanning service
High-quality 3D scanning into wood beds with the EinScan-Pro handheld 3D scanner. Scan time: 30ph

Airplane wing geometry,

Airplane wing geometry,
Scan3D takes a cloud of measurement points measuring some of the following collisions; Scan time: 4h

digitized CAM restoration

digitized CAM restoration
Application of 3D Scan technology, reverse engineering and CAM abrasive restoration process; 3D Scan Time: 4h

Service firebike exhaust pipe exhaust

Service firebike exhaust pipe exhaust
3D exhaust smoke exhaust motor for the size of the design checkpoints; Time: 4h

Digitize toy car models to make plastic molds

Digitize toy car models to make plastic molds
Scan3D and 3D design converts STL, Step, IGS files; Time: 16h

3D shoe scan service

3D shoe scan service
Scan 3D shoe soles and reverse design to STEP, IGS file, ensure mold release when shoe molding; Time: 16h

Service window scan3d oto

Service window scan3d oto
3D door scanner, PDF result set comparing post-crash deformation test; Time: 8h
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