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Comparison of 3D woodblock digitization methods and product output standards

Comparison of 3D woodblock digitization methods and product output standards


In the context of increasingly developing technology, 3D digitization has become an important tool to help preserve, reproduce and create products and cultural heritages. However, when it comes to 3D digitization, not every solution is perfect and suitable for all needs. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, directly affecting the quality and efficiency of the output product. Let's explore more deeply the advantages and disadvantages of 3D digitization solutions to choose the most optimal method for each purpose of use.


Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of 3D digitization solutions


Criteria 3D scanner using structured light technology 3D laser scanner + Photogrammetry


Compatibility with the characteristics of the object to be digitized in 3D Not suitable because the Woodblock is made of wood that has been stored for a long time, so the surface is black and has little shine; black surface will absorb but not reflect structural light Suitable due to the surface of all Woodblocks Suitable due to not depending on the material and surface properties of the object
Suitable for the implementation progress Suitable due to faster scanning and model processing speed Suitable due to faster scanning and model processing speed Need to balance due to the time required to run algorithms; depends heavily on the processing capacity of the computer
Possibility of being affected by ambient light Highly affected by ambient light, so it is necessary to prepare a separate 3D digitizing area with a suitable lighting system Less affected by ambient light, so there is no need to use a separate digitizing area, only a suitable lighting system is needed Not affected by ambient light conditions


From the above analysis, it is proposed to use digitizing technology using a 3D laser scanner integrated with photogrammetry to digitize 3D Woodblocks. During deployment, it is necessary to use a suitable lighting system and pay attention to safety to avoid laser beams shining into the eyes.


3D Digital Output Woodblock


* Preservation – Insurance File:

-       High-precision 3D model file format for 3D printing: .stl

-       Color: Monochrome

-       Scan resolution: ≤0.025mm

- Scan accuracy: ≤0.012mm (approved by ISO 10360, VDI/VDE 2634, ISO 17025 certification)

-       Digitization rate: 100%

-       Scan volume accuracy: ≤0.012 mm + 0.015 mm/m

-       Warefront (.OBJ), FBX (.fbx) or .gltf file format for standard files.

-      FBX format (.fbx) or Alembic (.abc) for animation files

-      Color: 24bit color format

-      STL format (.stl) for printing files:

+ Can be read in standard 3D software such as: 3Dsmax, Maya, Blender, C4D.

+  The model mesh is built according to Tris (3 mesh) or Quads (4 mesh) standards

-      The mesh has been optimized

+  The mesh has been cleaned up

+  No holes on the model

+ Unlock normal or smooth the edges of the model if needed

-    The optimal number of meshes for files that can be digitized for websites, optimized for high-quality files and for printing

-      The UV of the file with accompanying textures is included

-      Textures suitable for the purpose of the file:

+  Minimum quality texture 4k (4096x4096)

+  JPEG format texture (.jpg/.jpeg/.jpe) for normal textures

+  Portable Network Graphics format texture (.png) for files with transparency or with accompanying alpha files

-     Digitization rate: 100%.

- 3D model file standards requirements:

+ TIFF (.tiff) texture format for tiling files

- File name: includes serial numbers and Latin letters, separated by underscores "_", do not use spaces or special symbols

* File used to publish and exhibit Woodblock documents on the network

- 3D model file format for online viewing: GLTF

- Color: True color

- Digitization ratio: 100%

- Color: 24bit color format

- Optimized mesh

+ Cleanup of mesh

+ No holes on model

+ Unlock normal or smooth model edges if needed

- 160k poly mesh for website digitizable files


Texture suitable for the purpose of the file:

+ Texture quality at least 4k (4096x4096)

+ Texture format JPEG (.jpg/.jpeg/.jpe) for normal textures

+ Texture format Portable Network Graphics (.png) for files with transparency or with alpha files

- File name: includes serial numbers and Latin letters, separated by underscores "_", do not use spaces or special symbols


3D Woodblock digitization results


>>>>> See more: What is 3D woodblock digitization? Classification of 3D woodblock digitization methods


Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of 3D digitization methods is the key to choosing the most suitable solution for your needs and purposes. Each technique brings its own values ​​and challenges. To achieve the best results, especially in woodblock digitization - a field that requires high precision and preserving the original value, compliance with strict output standards is indispensable. The smart combination of technology and deep understanding will bring quality 3D digitizations, meeting both technical and aesthetic and historical values. 3D Master will be the right choice for you.


 Website: https://3dmaster.com.vn

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