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​3D Digitization and Restoration of the Tan Trao Banyan Tree After Typhoon Yagi

​3D Digitization and Restoration of the Tan Trao Banyan Tree After Typhoon Yagi

The Tan Trao banyan tree is an important symbol in the history of the Vietnamese revolution. After being severely affected by Typhoon Yagi, the preservation and restoration of the banyan tree became an urgent task. Thanks to advanced 3D digitization technology, 3D Master has recreated and preserved the image of the banyan tree in the most accurate way, ensuring the preservation of this heritage for future generations.


History of the Tan Trao banyan tree


The Tan Trao banyan tree, located in Tan Lap village, Tan Trao commune, Son Duong district, Tuyen Quang province, is an important historical symbol in Vietnamese culture. This is where General Vo Nguyen Giap read Military Order No. 1, opening the August Revolution in 1945. Previously, the tree was very lush with two large branches, and was called by the people "the male banyan tree" and "the female banyan tree." Over time, the tree weakened, but thanks to the care of the people and the government, the tree recovered and continued to stand tall as a historical witness.


Tan Trao Banyan Tree


Impact of Typhoon Yagi on Tan Trao Banyan Tree


Typhoon Yagi caused serious damage to the Tan Trao Banyan Tree, causing many branches to fall and affecting the trunk. This posed a great challenge for conservationists in maintaining and restoring the banyan tree. In that context, 3D digitalization technology has emerged as an effective solution, helping to recreate the banyan tree in detail and accurately.


What is 3D digitalization technology?


3D digitalization is the process of using scanning devices to recreate objects in three-dimensional space. This technology collects data about the shape, size and surface of the object, thereby creating an accurate digital model. In the case of the Tan Trao banyan tree, 3D digitization technology helps to record the entire image of the tree, from the smallest detail to the whole scene.


3D Master Scan 3D Tan Trao banyan tree


Benefits of 3D digitization in restoring banyan trees


Digitizing the Tan Trao banyan tree brings many important benefits. First, it allows for long-term and accurate data storage, preventing information loss due to natural disasters. Second, this technology helps experts easily restore the banyan tree using collected data, ensuring the integrity of the work.


The role of 3D Master in the digitization process


3D Master is a pioneer in the field of heritage digitization in Vietnam. With experience and modern technology, 3D Master has successfully digitized and restored many important relics. For the Tan Trao banyan tree, the company used the most advanced technology to reproduce all the details of the tree, ensuring absolute accuracy.


Steps in the Tan Trao banyan tree digitization process


The Tan Trao banyan tree digitization process begins with the use of a 3D scanner to collect data from many different angles. This data will then be processed on specialized software to create a complete 3D file, which will be used to research and restore the banyan tree.


Results of 3D Digitization and Restoration of the Tan Trao Banyan Tree After Storm Yagi


The future of digital technology in conservation

3D digitalization technology does not stop at preserving the Tan Trao banyan tree but also opens up many opportunities for protecting other natural heritages. In the future, this technology will become an indispensable tool in maintaining and developing Vietnam's heritages.


Applying 3D digitalization technology to other heritages

In the world, many natural and cultural heritages have been successfully digitized, from art monuments to ancient architectural works. Vietnam is also gradually approaching this technology to preserve national heritages, ensuring that historical and cultural values ​​are preserved forever.


3D digitalization is a modern and effective solution in preserving and restoring natural heritages, especially the Tan Trao banyan tree after storm Yagi. Thanks to this technology, we can not only preserve cultural values ​​but also open up opportunities to restore precious heritages in a realistic and sustainable way. And 3D Master will be a reputable and quality 3D digitalization choice.


>>>> See more: Accurate and quality 3D Scan service at 3D Master




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